2022 Webinar Series: Healing Trauma Narratives in Indigenous Populations: Forgiveness as Essential to Faith, Hope, and Charity
Length: 2.5 Hours
This webinar will present data on multigenerational trauma and its ramifications from an indigenous perspective and highlight forgiveness as an essential tool for healing. Psychological methods for healing multigenerational trauma wounds will be discussed. Faith and spirituality are important coping mechanisms for many people, and they are increasingly recognized as aspects of people’s identity and diversity. Therefore, forgiveness- and virtue-based methods of healing multigenerational trauma wounds will be presented.
Learning Objectives:
Target Audience: Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, MFTs, Counselors, Substance Abuse Counselors, Missionaries, Evangelists, Pastoral Counselors, Coaches, Spiritual Directors
Level of Content: Intermediate
This program does not qualify for NBCC credits
This program does not qualify for APA credits.