2022 CPA Conference: Integrating Body and Soul: Principles for a Catholic Approach to Gender Identity
This panel will explore the nature of the human person and the sexual difference as well as the clinical phenomenon of incongruence between bodily sex and psychological gender identity from theological, philosophical, scientific, and clinical perspectives. Selner-Wright will provide principles from the Catholic view of the human person, such as a soul-body unity, contrast this view with key points from the dominant secular view, and explore implications for the treatment of gender dysphoria. Sodergren will present scientific findings regarding sexual differentiation and gender incongruence and will discuss principles for treatment of gender dysphoria integrating principles from Selner-Wright’s presentation, clinical literature, research studies, and ethical and legal considerations.
Target Audience: Catholic clinicians
Course Content Level: Beginner
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the scriptural, philosophical and scientific basis for the Church’s teaching that the human being is a soul-body unity
- Discuss the metaphysical and anthropological basis of the Church’s understanding of sexual differentiation
- Distinguish between the Catholic view of the human person and the dominant secular dualistic view
- Explain in lay terms the process of sexual differentiation and recent advancements in the science of sex differences
- Summarize current research on gender dysphoria including prevalence, typologies, rates of persistence and desistance, and comorbidities
- Differentiate multiple factors underlying gender dysphoria and develop nuanced case conceptualizations and treatment plans
- Distinguish various treatment approaches to gender dysphoria in both children and adults
- Evaluate treatment options for gender dysphoria based on scientific merit but also on coherence with the Catholic understanding of the human person and sexuality
- Locate ethical and legal considerations in treatment planning in cases of incongruence between bodily sex and psychological gender identity.
This program does not qualify for NBCC credits