Accompanying children and adolescents: adversities, mental health problems, and a Catholic Christian Vision

Accumulated research in the past 20 years has shown that exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can have detrimental and potentially lifelong consequences on physical and mental health. Many research studies have aimed to identify and understand possible underlying psychological factors that may provide a protective buffer against or increase risk of developing mental health problems in response to early adversity.  Understanding the factors that promote resilient outcomes is essential so that clinicians will be able to provide evidenced based practices for clients. 

This workshop will provide a systematic review of current literature that highlight important factors including: fostering resilience, strengthening parent-child relationships, developing emotional capacities and fostering hopefulness. These findings will be integrated with theological and philosophical literature on relationships and virtue. Finally, we will conclude by considering practical strategies for clinicians and examine case studies in light of the findings and a Catholic Christian vision of the person.

Category of Education: D1.3 Practice/Education/Research

Intended Audience: 

Content Learning Level: Beginner, Introductory

Learning Objectives: