I am a UK-based and trained Accredited Psychotherapist and Specialist Addictions Interventionist and Consultant, with almost 30 years of professional experience in working with those who present and suffer greatly with complex mental health experiences, offending, addiction, compulsive and disordered attachment experiences.
I work in both the UK and Italy. I desire to embrace the Catholic tradition and Magisterial teaching on the uniqueness and unlimited value of the person. I set out to do this with the starting point of love and compassion without reservation or fear, asking and seeking to be guided by Christ in this respect.
I draw from my training in psychology, health science and existential psychology, addiction science and addiction psychology, humanistic theory and existential psychology & psychotherapy, and yet seek to re-explore these positions from within the metaphysical, Personalism and philosophical teachings of Saint John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla.
I hold very much to the scriptural attestation that we are all created in the likeness and image of God and each, as such, are called to value and love ourselves and each other because we are first loved by God and created by and through and for love by him.
In my work, most of the brokenness and the woundedness I see has been borne from broken attachments, broken families, broken communities and cultures and the often-time abuse that permeates therein. It is true to say that a preponderance is found in spiritual and physical deprivation, poverty and lack, but it is also seen in poverty of spirit from within very provided for groups, where materialism is placed as if an 'IDOL', as a hoped for source of wholeness and healing in its own right, which inevitably fails and disappoints leaving in its wake a greater aching and amplified emptiness and an insatiable hunger which is never satisfied.
My work tries to get at the entire picture of the 'lived in' experience and the 'lived out of' experience, as well as all the known limitations and privations which together can provide an awareness of the potential and probability of marked and realistic change, at a pace and a tone which is relevant to each individual encounter.
My first degree is a Batchelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology & Health Science accredited by the British Psychological Society, and granted the Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership of the British Psychological Society, (GMBPsS) 188702. I hold two subsequent Postgraduate (PG) Qualifications, one is a (PG) Certificate in Existential Psychology & Existential Psychotherapy and a Postgraduate (PG) Diploma in Advanced Addiction Psychology & Addiction Counselling. I have special interests as a member of a SIG within the BPS on Male Psychology; I am an Accredited Psychotherapist of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP). A Member of the Accredited Register of Allied Christian Counsellors; ACC, U.K. A member of the Scientific Study of Addiction (SSA); A member of the Society for Existential Analysis, (SEA); Addiction Professionals (Registration Body & Network for Addiction Professionals).
My main interests in Psychotherapy, Counselling and Psychology lie within the domains of Addiction, Joint Protocol Driven, Symptomatic Detox (Community or Home Based); Process Addictions, Trauma, Complex Child Abuse and the sequelae that extend into adulthood, Recovery, Allied Recovery Communities, Obsessive & Intrusive Thoughts, Scrupolosity, Spiritual Abuse, Institutional Abuse & Dysfunction.
I consistently maintain insurance in place at all times, as follows:
Policy Cover for:
Breach of Professional Duty; Malpractice; Professional Indemnity; Good Samaritan Acts and First Aid.
Public Liability.
Products Liability.
Retrospective Cover.
Unlimited cover for previously insured work performed as per extension
Psychology to include Health Science
Cover extended to include Existential Psychology and Psychotherapy, Counselling and Consultancy.
Limit of Indemnity
Professional Liability: £6,000,000
Public Liability: £6,000,000
Products Liability: £6,000,000
I am an author of a personal memoir to be published in 2023 or early 2024 by Austin Macauley chronicling my personal journey through and beyond adversity and trauma.
I am the founder of Chrysalis Supported Association Ltd & CEO of Chrysalis Group Services Ltd. We offer a range of specialist non-profit and for-profit services, and develop businesses that are specifically designed to provide solutions that address and look to resolve phenomena for those underserved in society and who are struggling to gain or maintain a meaningful foothold in society.
I also founded and consult to other treatment facilities and professionals, especially those attending to high wealth individuals with complex substance abuse and mental health issues, primarily in Italy.
I have a number of other trainings and have offered training in the following:
- Motivational Interviewing
- Solution Focused Brief Therapy
- Psychotropic Substances Pharmacology, Use, Management & Withdrawls
- Depression & Anxiety (medical and existential views and approaches)
- Symptomatic Detox
- Detoxification Protocols
- Co-Dependency
- Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families
- Inner Child Therapy
- Residential Addiction Treatment Protocols, Policy, Procedure & Staff Training (Clinical, Tertiary & Administrative)
- Community Based Addiction Treatment Protocols & Staff Training (Clinical, Tertiary & Administrative)
- Supervision & Contracting
- Suicide Awareness and Prevention
- Harm Minimisation
- Living with Hepatitis C
- Living with HIV
- Co-Morbidity & Addiction
- Dual Diagnosis
- Prescribing Substitute Treatment Protocols (training for General Practitioners, Psychiatrists and Nurse Practitioners)
- Clinical Assessment of Complex Addiction & Dependency
- Forensic Reporting
- Clinical Treatment formulation, understanding and review (how do we know what we’re doing is treating what it claims to be treating and how do we know it works?)
This list is limited and aims only to give a general idea of my approach, capacity and experience.