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2020 CPA Conference: "Build the House on Rock": Psychological and Spiritual Foundations of Marriage Preparation

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Dr. Keith Houde |  Zachary Swantek
1.5 Hours
Audio and Video
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The unstable foundations of marriage within contemporary culture require innovative approaches in pastoral psychology. The psychologically-relevant, pastoral approach of Karol Wojtyła/John Paul II is presented, considering (from original translation) the content of his spiritual exercises for engaged couples within the context of a supportive community. Participants are invited to consider practical clinical applications for personal formation and marriage preparation around themes including humility/grace, maturity/honor, knowledge/trust, unity/reciprocity, fidelity/commitment, responsible parenthood, and sacrificial love.

Learning Objectives:

  • Discuss factors related to rebuilding the foundations of personal formation and marriage preparation within contemporary culture.
  • Describe practical elements of a promising, psychologically-relevant, pastoral approach to personal formation and marriage preparation consisting of spiritual exercises within a community milieu of presence and accompaniment.
  • List three specific clinical applications within the premarital assessment, premarital counseling, and community support for building a solid foundation of personal formation and marriage preparation.

This program does not qualify for NBCC credits


Dr. Keith Houde's Profile

Dr. Keith Houde Related Seminars and Products

Professor of Psychology

Ave Maria University

Professor of Psychology, Ave Maria University