Supervision is increasingly named as a specific competency in professional practice, but active formation of supervisors is relatively rare after graduation. This presentation aims to offer further education and insight for supervisors by discussing relational supervision practices that are supported by research and consistent with a Catholic view of the person. We explore how supervision can include transformational experiences like admitting mistakes, addressing power dynamics, willingness to suffer, risking vulnerability, giving difficult feedback, and attending to culture, identity, and differences in the supervision relationship. Moreover, we consider and reflect on how those characteristics arise from our Catholic identity. We will offer examples from our own practice, elicit the experiences of participants, and prompt sharing of the unique ways that you have benefitted from these approaches and can continue to strengthen your practice as a supervisor.
Target Audience: Supervisors and trainees across mental health professions
Course Content Level: Intermediate
Learning Objectives
This program does not qualify for NBCC credits
After an undergrad in engineering and six years in youth ministry, I found a more permanent home in psychology. I received a Masters degree from Loyola University Maryland and a Doctor of Psychology from Baylor University. I work full-time as the Training Director for the psychology internship program at the Baylor University Counseling Center. I also see a few clients in private practice who are looking for a Catholic clinician.