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Text Based CE

Integratus Issue 1(1) Minicourse: Catholic Psychotherapy and Contemplative Prayer

Total Credits: 1 APA Self Study Credit

Average Rating:
1 Hour
Never Expires.


This minicourse includes two articles from the inaugural issue of Integratus: the Journal of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association

1.        What Is Catholic Psychotherapy and How Should It Move Forward? Thomas G. Plante, Santa Clara University and Stanford University School of Medicine. 

2.        Contemplative Prayer and Psychotherapy. Jesse Fox, Stetson University. 

The first article identifies how Catholic psychotherapy is a critically important specialization and underscores the need for culturally competent best practices. The second article discusses what contemplative prayer is and how it may inform psychotherapy more broadly.  

Participants will carefully read the associated texts via their subscription to Integratus which is included in their current CPA membership. The indicated texts may be accessed online or via printed copy. 

The Catholic Psychotherapy Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Catholic Psychotherapy Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
This program does not qualify for NBCC credits