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On Demand

The Integrated Catholic Therapist: A Compassionate Approach to Sexual Concerns using IFS. Parts 1 and 2 On Demand

Total Credits: 3 APA Credit

Average Rating:
Peter Malinoski Ph.D. |  Ms. Jody Garneau
3 Hours
Audio and Video
Access for 6 month(s) after purchase.


Target Audience: Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists and other therapists.

Course Level: Beginner

Learning Objectives: 

  • Participants will learn the Internal Family Systems model for working with parts’ conflicts around sex and sexuality and grasp the steps in the IFS trajectory toward greater interior integration and harmony, through actual clinical vignettes, case presentations and reenacted demonstrations of therapy. 

  • Participants will better understand the underlying conceptual linkages between unmet attachment and integrity needs and interior sexual conflict – how sexual issues are so often symptoms of relational traumas through the lecture and demonstrations.  

  • Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the primary role of shame in the generation of sexual symptoms and identity issues – both in their clients and in themselves, through the lecture, demonstrations, case vignettes and experiential exercises

  • Through experiential exercises, participants will identify their own parts’ reactivity to the sexual themes and topics that their clients bring into therapy and learn how the IFS concept of a “trailhead” can guide them to unresolved sexual issues in their own lives – to help reduce negative judgement of clients, and seeing clients’ sexual problems as stemming from well-intentioned but maladaptive attempts to have attachment needs and integrity needs met.  

  • Participants will be able to recognize when the are blended or unrecollected, reacting from a part rather than being led and guided by their innermost selves.  

  • Participants will learn approaches to treating very sensitive sexual issues that are effective, in harmony with ethics codes and governing law, and consistent with a Catholic understanding of the human person and can be applied within several therapeutic orientations.

Catholic clinicians may experience discomfort in engaging deeply with their clients’ conflicts around sexuality and their sexual desires, practices, and identities, especially with clients’ sexual behaviors.  By means of parts work and Internal Family Systems (IFS) -informed approaches, grounded in a Catholic anthropology, we can better “be with” our clients as they move toward integration of their sexuality and more adaptive expressions of the gift of their sexuality. 

This two-part workshop will focus on helping Catholic therapists work with their own parts around sexuality when working with sexual content in therapy. We will also address the desires that Catholic therapists have to handle sexual matter in a way that is not only effective, but ethical, legal, and morally appropriate. 

Topics addressed will include: shame, same-sex attraction, bisexuality, gender dysphoria, transgender identification and other sexual behaviors, desires, and blocks. We will include foundational theories, case vignettes, video demonstrations and experiential exercises, with practical guidance.

The Catholic Psychotherapy Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Catholic Psychotherapy Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 
This program does not qualify for NBCC credits



Peter Malinoski Ph.D.'s Profile

Peter Malinoski Ph.D. Related Seminars and Products

Souls and Hearts

Peter Malinoski, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist and co-founder and president of Souls and Hearts, which brings the best of human formation resources grounded in a Catholic understasnding of the human person to the internet.  Through his podcast Interior Integration for Catholics,, his weekly reflections, and through his leadership of the Resilient Catholics Community, he helps Catholics overcome the natural-level human formation deficits and obstacles so that they can experience greater interior integration and unity, freeing them to receive love and to love God, others and self in a more more ordered way.  This opens the door for a much deeper and more intimate union with God in the three Persons of the Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother. 


He provides training, human formation and consultation for about 50 Catholic therapists online in the Interior Therapist Community. His monthly podcast is
through which he addresses the tough psychological issues Catholics face.  Dr. Malinoski and his wife Pam have seven children and an infant grandson.  He also has a private practice.  In his free time also enjoys raising animals, vegetables, and fruits on his small farm.

Ms. Jody Garneau's Profile

Ms. Jody Garneau Related Seminars and Products

Jody earned a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from Thomas Aquinas College (California) where she flourished in the study of philosophy and theology. After returning to Canada, Jody soon married and embarked on a 25 year adventure in parenting and homeschooling her four children. Jody worked as an online teacher, home education consultant, and faith formation coordinator for many years. Jody earned a Masters in Clinical Counselling through Divine Mercy University (Virginia) where she was immersed in the study of psychological healing through a Christian lens. Jody’s own life experiences and challenges have provided a wealth of earned wisdom to enhance her professional development. Jody currently administers the Internal Therapist Community, a cohort of Catholic therapists who learn and use Internal Family Systems for their own human formation. Jody is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BCACC and she works full time in private practice. Jody has embraced her newest and most challenging role as a grandma.